Midway Medical QLD Patient Information
Newport Family Doctors have received many phone calls and emails regarding Midway Medical QLD. We have created this page to assist patients in getting access to their patient records and answer any questions that they may have.
The Newport Family Doctors team have met with the team from Midway Medical QLD, and are working together to try to ensure the best in continuity of care for patients.
I am a Midway Medical Patient- What has happened?
Midway Medical QLD has closed its practice as of the 20th January 2023. The Midway Team still have access to patient records and will be following up patient test results as per normal protocol.
Has Midway Medical now become Newport Family Doctors?
No. Midway Medical QLD is a completely separate practice to Newport Family Doctors. We are in no way affiliated, other than Newport Family Doctors will help provide patient access to their records, and have added extra doctors to help meet the community health needs that a practice closure will cause.
How do I get access to my patient records?
From the 25th of January 2023, your patient records will be stored securely at Newport Family Doctors. If you choose to join our practice, when you make your first appointment we will import your records into our database, so that our doctors can continue your care.
If you choose to join another practice, we will send your records free of charge to your nominated practice digitally, so that your new doctor can continue your care with your full history.
Newport Family Doctors cannot import your patient records into our patient software without your consent, and we are unable to open or to check them until they are imported.
My Midway Doctor sent me for a test, how can I get the results?
The doctors of Midway Medical QLD will still have access to your records remotely and will be checking any incoming test results for the next 12 months. They will make contact via their normal methods to advise their patients.
Newport Family Doctors does not have any test results for tests ordered by Midway Medical Qld Doctors, unless those results were given, and added to a patient’s chart prior to the 20th January 2023.
If you have any concerns, please book a New Patient Appointment and we can manually request a copy of any test results you wish to discuss.
Does Newport Family Doctors have the same fees as Midway Medical QLD?
Newport Family Doctors is a private billing clinic, and all of our fees are listed on our website. Please note our fee structure might be slightly different to Midway Medical QLD, so please check our website page carefully.
Will Newport Family Doctors make contact with me for reminders, recalls, results?
No. Newport Family Doctors will take over patient care once we have seen a patient in person, in our practice. Once you are a patient of ours, we will follow our normal procedures for health reminders, recalls and giving of results. We will only have access to results where one of the Newport Family Doctors have ordered the test.
Can I follow the Doctors from Midway to their new practices?
Both Midway Medical QLD Doctors are working in different parts of the Queensland, and are not currently available for regular GP consults. For further information, please contact them on admin@midwaymedicalqld.com.au