Information for MyMedicare

As of 1st October 2023 every patient can opt to register for MyMedicare. MyMedicare gives patients access to a better continuity of care with their preferred GP provider and extra medicare benefits. For more information regarding MyMedicare, use the button below.




How to Register Using Medicare Online Account (MOA)

To register for MyMedicare using you Medicare Online Account, you’ll need:

  • to link your Medicare online account to myGov
  • your Medicare card.

To register online, follow the steps below:

  1. Sign in to myGov.
  2. Select Medicare.
  3. Select Register for MyMedicare, then Start.
  4. Under search for your practice, select Your practice, then Next. If you can’t find your practice, you’ll need to contact them to check if they’re registered for MyMedicare.
  5. Select Your preferred GP, then Next.
  6. Select Submit registration, then follow the prompts to complete your claim.

How to Register Using the Express Plus Medicare Mobile App

To register for MyMedicare using the Express Plus Medicare mobile app, you’ll need:

  • to link your Medicare online account to myGov
  • download the most up to date version of Express Plus Medicare mobile app
  • your Medicare card.

To register using the app, follow the steps below:

  1. Log into the Medicare Express Medicare mobile app.
  2. Select Register for MyMedicare, then Start.
  3. Under search for your practice, select Your practice, then Next. If you can’t find your practice, you’ll need to contact them to check if they’re registered for MyMedicare.
  4. Select Your preferred GP, then Next.
  5. Select Submit registration, then follow the prompts to complete your claim.