
Opening Hours

8am - 5pm


(07) 3521 4006

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Newport Family Doctors offers a full range of Telehealth consults. All Telehealth consults are booked and charged as an appointment time as normal, with a doctor who will phone you at the booked time. We also have a full range of video consultations available across a variety of different apps including Phone, Skype, Facetime, Whatsapp Video & Zoom available.

**You can download any of these apps on the links at the bottom of the page**

Cost & Medicare eligibility criteria:

Includes a standard consult, up to 15 minutes, over the phone with one of the doctors. The doctor will call you around the time of your appointment. Telehealth is available for patients that do not need to come into the practice for a face-to-face appointments. Scripts, referrals & requests can be sent from the practice.

Telehealth fees are $90 for less than 15 minutes and $140 for over 15 minutes, with a Medicare rebate of $42.85.

(i) Attended a face-to-face appointment in the clinic at least once in the last 12 months